Yea sure, it was moral paper. Well, it wasn't as easy as you think. 1 word-unpredictable. *sigh* whatever, this is not what I'm gonna blab about. So after the paper, most of the students changed their clothes-obviously, they were heading to somewhere. Yea, i was one of them xD Trace, Nicole and I went to check 1U.. cuz,, to us, we sorta dint go to tht place for a loooong time so we wanna survey the whole place.
Erm, I din't take much pics here cuz im beginning not to like my camera. I hate it when it comes to taking pics with colours. I prefer using in back and white. Gosh, i want a new camera TT.
First, we had our tepanyaki lunch in the food court (the food sucks) ==". Later, we started walking until we bumped across to a promotion fair-Jacob's biscuit. Those crispy bite which is best to serve with milk xD. The best thing, they even stacked the biscuits in a building model and im telling ya'- it's effing COOL~
And whaddya know? I actually met Raven ^^!!!! Well, actually I saw her face while I was walking to Starbucks but I wasn't sure so i SMSed her and my prediction was accurate.. yay~ such a coincidence. She was with her friends and joined us in Starbucks too and chatted. weee ~xDD I really cant believe I met her.
Then at last, we went back and slept like a log cuz our feets hurt after hours of walking..@@
Well, I think that's all folks~ ^^